The world of work is changing at a pace not seen by any previous generation. Given the breathtaking advances in machine-learning and artificial intelligence, I believe there are 3 important questions which face us right now:

1) how will leaders engage with an increasingly intelligently-automated workforce?

2) what impact does being unable to switch off from work (due to tech) have on our wellbeing?

3) how should we best equip today’s children to prepare them for meaningful work in the future?

I am currently delivering ‘leadership evolution’ workshops exploring how to focus on the 4 core DNA (Do Not Automate) aspects of a role to bring your work to life. I’m also talking lots about how to create the ultimate customer service by focusing on the 3 core qualities of our human nature to bond with others and create trust.

The challenge is how we do this amid all the busy-ness of modern life without becoming robotic ourselves, which is why I believe it all starts with nurturing our 3 Human Skills (emotional intelligence, personal resilience and mental presence).

So what will this all mean for your organisation as we increase the amount of Artificial Intelligence within our workplaces? I collaborate with an exceptional team of experts who would love to help you maximise your human potential with cost-effective and culture-changing learning and development solutions.

The world of work is changing at a pace not seen by any previous generation. Given the breathtaking advances in machine-learning and artificial intelligence, I believe there are 3 important questions which face us right now:

1) how will leaders engage with an increasingly intelligently-automated workforce?

2) what impact does being unable to switch off from work (due to tech) have on our wellbeing?

3) how should we best equip today’s children to prepare them for meaningful work in the future?

I am currently delivering ‘leadership evolution’ workshops exploring how to focus on the 4 core DNA (Do Not Automate) aspects of a role to bring your work to life. I’m also talking lots about how to create the ultimate customer service by focusing on the 3 core qualities of our human nature to bond with others and create trust.

The challenge is how we do this amid all the busy-ness of modern life without becoming robotic ourselves, which is why I believe it all starts with nurturing our 3 Human Skills (emotional intelligence, personal resilience and mental presence).

So what will this all mean for your organisation as we increase the amount of Artificial Intelligence within our workplaces? I collaborate with an exceptional team of experts who would love to help you maximise your human potential with cost-effective and culture-changing learning and development solutions.

I collaborate with a team of experts to offer an in-house training programme which enables teams to focus and maximise their human potential as technology removes much of the simple, patternable or routine aspects of work. Running between 4-6 workshops, the topics focus on cutting-edge research looking at intelligence, neuroscience, service and leadership. No-one is able to predict the future, but the ability to handle this uncertain future with emotional stability, mental resilience and a proactive and productive mindset will be key.

The projects with the best engagement levels are where the employees become the stars and I get such a buzz working with great clients, suppliers and associates as we all collaborate to help people feel special, unique and developed within their workplace
I recently worked with Heathrow Airport Terminal 3
I am currently working with Terminal 5.
I enjoy co-creating relevant content with the managers and front-line teams and tooling up internal trainers to then roll-out the programmes, giving them support and guidance as required.

I have been writing and running workshops on average 2-3 days a week since 2000 and I still get a buzz every single time I start a session.  My main desire is to create ground-breaking and memorable work that actually makes a positive difference to people’s lives and makes them smile that day! A workshop or training session should be a highlight of someone’s working month and it is such a privilege to take people on their journey of learning and self-discovery.

I have always had the belief that if you’re going to bother do something, you might as well make it phenomenal!


Outside In: Inside Out

By | March 21st, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

I felt thoroughly inspired by the speakers and awards at the WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) conference last Thursday 10th November 2016. For those of you who haven’t heard of the WISE organisation, they [...]


By | March 21st, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

In the Age of AI we accept that robots, superintelligent machines and algorithms will become a standard part of the workplace.  When considering senior management though, most people will still picture a living, breathing human [...]